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Cheek Fillers in Charlotte, NC

Chisel Your Cheeks

Charlotte Cheek Fillers at Aesthetic Surgery of Charlotte

Cheek fillers are an effective and natural-looking injectable treatment that helps restore volume to the cheeks, contour the face, and lift the complexion without surgery. Aesthetic Surgery of Charlotte offers Restylane cheek fillers made with hyaluronic acid, which create a well-balanced and natural enhancement. Schedule your Charlotte cheek filler consultation today.

Cheek Fillers Charlotte

Shaping and Contouring
Without Surgery

What Are Cheek Fillers?

Cheek fillers are a type of dermal filler injection used to enhance the appearance of your cheeks. Aesthetic Surgery of Charlotte uses Restylane injectable fillers made of hyaluronic acid, a substance that occurs naturally in your body and helps plump up the skin.

In a Restylane cheek filler procedure, a hyaluronic acid gel is injected into the skin, which helps to restore volume to the cheeks and enhance their shape. This can improve the overall contour of your face and create a more rejuvenated, refreshed appearance.

Picture Perfection at Any Age

What are the benefits of Cheek Fillers?

Restylane cheek fillers are FDA-approved and have minimal to no downtime. You can expect to see results in a short span of two weeks. Our cheeks often hollow out and begin drooping as we age, but cheek fillers can help prevent and reverse these effects. Cheek fillers are great for restoring volume, enhancing facial contours, creating symmetry, and boosting confidence.

You may be a good candidate for cheek fillers if you are an adult in good health, have aging or volumeless cheeks, and have realistic expectations for your results. You should not receive cheek fillers if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have any medical conditions that could interfere with your body’s healing process. There is no age limit on Restylane cheek fillers, so anyone can schedule their consultation today and experience rejuvenated confidence in no time.

Cheek Fillers Charlotte

Health Comes First

Your Cheek Fillers Consultation

To begin the consultation for cheek fillers Charlotte patients will first meet with one of our aesthetic specialists to review all medical history, and get an idea of the cosmetic goals and expectations. Once they understand your medical background and expectations, they will create a treatment plan designed to beautifully and naturally restore volume and youthfully sculpted contours to your cheeks and mid-face.

A Work of Art in The Making

Your Cheek Fillers Procedure

Your aesthetic specialist will thoroughly cleanse the treatment area before the procedure and may also apply a numbing cream or local anesthetic to help minimize any discomfort. They will then use a fine-tipped needle to inject the filler into the cheeks, carefully controlling the amount and placement of the product to achieve the desired results. After the injections, they may gently massage the area to help distribute the filler evenly and create a natural-looking result.

Cheeky, Plump, and Perfect

Cheek Fillers Results

You may experience some redness or swelling for the first twenty-four hours after your cheek filler treatment. Improvement will be immediately noticeable, though it will take about two weeks to see your full results. Depending on individual factors, your volumized, rejuvenated cheeks can last up to eighteen months.

Natural-Looking Enhancement

Cheek Fillers Recovery and Aftercare

For the first twenty-four hours after your treatment, you may have slight redness, swelling, and soreness in the injection area. These effects should subside completely within the first week. Any discomfort can be alleviated with a gentle cold compress and aesthetic specialist-approved pain relievers. To get the best results, you should avoid direct sunlight for the first week and wear sunscreen when going outside.

Additionally, it's important to avoid high temperatures like saunas and hot tubs for the first three to five days. While you should avoid applying makeup directly on your cheeks for the first twelve hours after injections, you may resume your normal daily routine after that. Full results from cheek fillers show up after two weeks and can last up to eighteen months. Many patients wait until they notice their complexion begin to sag again before returning for a touch-up, but others like to schedule a yearly or bi-annual appointment to stay on top of their treatments. Your aesthetic specialist will review when you should return for touch-ups during your consultation.

Cheek Fillers Charlotte

Cheek fillers Frequently Asked Questions

During your treatment, your aesthetic specialist may provide a topical numbing cream so you can not feel the injections. You may experience some slight discomfort after your treatment when the numbing agent wears off. Still, you can combat this with a gentle application of a cold compress or a pain medication that has been approved by your aesthetic specialist.

While cheek fillers are considered safe and effective, some potential side effects can occur. Common side effects include swelling, redness, or light bruising around the injection sites. In rare circumstances, infection or allergic reactions can occur. Following proper aftercare instructions from your aesthetic specialist can help prevent the chances of experiencing adverse effects.

The total cost of a cheek filler treatment can vary depending on the number of injections needed. Schedule a consultation to receive a personalized treatment plan and a price estimate for your cheek filler treatment.

Schedule your consultation to discuss personalized aesthetic treatment in Charlotte

For the highest quality care and results, book your consultation with Dr. Augenstein at Aesthetic Surgery of Charlotte. We can’t wait to help you realize your best life.